Thursday, September 18, 2008

Recent Roswell Rash Is Boon To Business

ROSWELL, N.M. -- UFO sightings are rare, but not uncommon in New Mexico. On Monday night, several Action 7 News viewers reported an alleged flying saucer on the northwest side of Roswell. Roswell resident and owner of the Pasta Cafe Andre Buonaiuto said he could confirm the sighting."We walked outside, my wife and I, we noticed a glow in the sky," said Buonaiuto.He said it was the first time he had seen anything remotely resembling an extraterrestrial.The sightings are big business for Roswell. Richard Hesse owns a UFO novelty store just off Main Street. He said the tourist town has seen a record number of visitors in recent years for the annual UFO Festival.Monday's incidents are among those that keep the buzz brewing in Roswell.The buzz that has city leaders working on a plan to build a new $25 million UFO museum. The new museum is expected to open in three years. (KOAT NEWS, New Mexico) LINK

It should be mentioned that no one caught the sighting on video or film or even a cell phone camera, which leads some to wonder if this hasn't something to do with the pending multi-million dollar UFO museum. I mean, if the City of Roswell is finally getting in on the act, I'm sure they will want some bang for their buck....
Meanwhile, in Cuba (New Mexico, that is).... The Anomalist had this to report about another recent sighting:
Cuba, NM, a small town in the famed "Four Corners" area, was the site of an ironic UFO sighting Tuesday night as Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, in the area researching their upcoming book on the Aztec UFO crash, viewed the green, glowing orb flash past above them as they maneuvered through a parking lot. Coincidence? Or synchronicity?

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