Thursday, June 9, 2011


Trisecting the expansive heath between the villages of Laren and Hilversum outside Amsterdam are three arrow-straight roads of ancient origin that meet unwaveringly at St. John's cemetery. These are the Doodwegen, of "death roads". Since before medieval times, these paths have served as ceremonial avenues for transporting the dead to their final resting place. This practice may have been instilled by Viking culture, which has a similar practice. If so, it is a tradition imparted among those in ancient Britain as well as Germany. Perhaps it is a tradition that has been embraced by Germanic peoples for a very long time. Alternatively referred to as spokenweg (spook or ghost road), there are not surprisingly tales of phantom funeral processions that spring up from time to time around these paths, which had been largely forgotten until their rediscovery in the 20th century.


Sharon Day said...

That is beautiful, romantic, and creepy. I wonder what it would be like to walk one.

Lewis Powell IV said...

Thank you for your marvelous post!

Are these in any way related to ley lines?

Cullan Hudson said...

Lewis, there are those who speculate that the reason for these ramrod-straight paths is that they follow the same energy lines that are termed "Ley" in other areas. But others feel these unwavering lines are meant for spiritual processions. The path is kept straight and direct so the soul cannot lose its way.