Friday, June 10, 2011

Amsterdam's Haunted History

Montelbaans Tower (Montelbaanstoren) was erected in the early 1500s to defend the ship yards from Utercht attacks. Apparently, thought it's not clear, something tragic happened to a family as they fled to the tower's safety. Since then, the same family reappears each June 2nd, reliving those terrible last moments as they fled unsuccuessfuly to the tower. Later, it became a clock tower and now serves as offices for the city water department.

Black Matthew haunts the whole city. A 13th century highwayman, magician, and thief, Matthew gambled his way through the city using his knowledge of dark magic to ensure he would come out on top each time. Well, until he ran afoul of the devil. Now his tortured soul wanders the narrow streets and canals hoping for a bit of luck.

Some believe the ghost of Anne Frank (or other family members) still clings to the cold corners of the home where the family hid from the Nazis, as so poignantly and tragically illustrated in Frank's famed diary.

During the Spanish Inquisition, the Catholic Church executed many, especially those they thought guilty of witchcraft. Amsterdam was especially hard hit by the Council of Blood's tyranny. Ghosts abound here; surely, they must, and Dam Square is where they are likely to be found. Many accused witches were burned in the plaza that is home to the Palace, which served as city hall from 1655 to 1808 when it became a royal residence.


Sharon Day said...

Wow, I never knew their ties to the Inquisition. My sister went there and said that of all the places she'd ever been, it felt the most haunted and coming from the place we grew up, that's a pretty awesome statement.

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