Monday, September 20, 2010

Texacabra Explanation?

A "Chupacabras" found in Stilwell, OK

Stilwell, OK Specimen

Mexican Hairless Dogs

While Mexican immigration might be a hot button issue in Texas, it's a newer arrival from Mexico that seems to make the news often these days. Call it Chupacabra, Chupadogra, or Texacabra, it seems to be a mystery canine that has captured a hungry media's attention.

While the Chupacabras is an illusory Puerto Rican invention, the Texacabra leaves actual specimens behind. These look a lot like dead dogs with serious cases of mange. However, given that some of those found have very thin bodies with short ears and angular faces, I wonder if the specimens found aren't actually full-blooded or half-bred "mexican hairless" dogs. 

These animals, which officially go by the name Xoloitzcuintli, are a rarity in the dog world.  While they were a favorite among the ancient Maya, these dogs have only come to the attention of Americans recently. It is likely that uninformed Americans might think they were animals afflicted with mange - or a Texacabra.

Compare the photos of purported Texacabras with that of the Mexican Hairless and you might see the same similarities I have. While DNA testing has reportedly been done on several specimens, I have not yet heard any conclusion. While a strange mystery beast makes for a great headline, the truth that it was a dog seldom does.

Read more on the subject here.

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