Thursday, November 5, 2009

How To Craft A Successful Episode Of Destination Truth or Where In The World Is Common Sense?

Josh talks about what is supposedly heard/seen/felt.

Josh is interrupted by second party, perhaps a cameraman.

What? Josh asks in excited tones.

Shhh! Did you hear that?

No one did. There was nothing to hear.

Yes! I heard it, Josh exclaims. What did you hear?

It sounded like [fill in the blank, which references what's expected to be heard]. Is that what you heard?

Why, yes [of course]! That is EXACTLY what I heard too!

As tension mounts, Josh shrieks: Oh my God! What is that?!

What? Where?

A rustle in the bushes strikes fear into the team.

Two beady "eyes" appear amongs the indistinguishable shapes on the everpresent FLIR camera.

Someone stumbles, possibly fracturing a leg bone.

Someone [probably a girl, but not always] screams.


When we return, we find the hysteria was about a small rodent darting about the underbrush.

A sigh of relief is expressed by all.

Oh, Scooby! [insert group laugh]


So, Dr. [insert name of individual looking to pay off that second mortgage], what can this amorphous blob captured on our grainy night vision camera possibly be?

Well, Josh, it might well be your [insert Monster-of-the-Week], but it's actually [insert animal so common that said scientist must bite lower lip and refrain from popping Josh in the head].

Then we come to the EVP work, which seems to crop up -regardless of the situation- as a shameless ploy to cross promote SyFy's OTHER show, Ghost Hunters.

Well, lesser TAPS members, what could this EVP be saying? Although it was recorded at the sacred ruins of Quetcha'ass Mejican Chetup where only the lost language of those native peoples was ever spoken, Josh nonetheless discerns from the random static words in English. The TAPS team waxes non-committally, which Josh takes as a thread of validation that he then turns into his equally non-committal narrative denouement.


Buck said...

Cut and print! That's a wrap! Now all go to the craft services table, located just off camera for a catered meal, thus giving lie to the whole "lost in the jungle" routine.

Cullan Hudson said...

And I keep hearing this as an excuse: well, it's entertainment and they have to inject some drama to keep viewer interest high. But that's just it; I'm NOT interested or entertained. I get turned off when they resort to tactics like this - in any television show. It frustrates me and I just end up flipping the channel. That's why I can't watch the half-dozen ghost shows now on TV. I wonder if there are really that many people who, although they might agree with me, will still just suffer through it because "it's the only thing on".