Sunday, March 1, 2009

Brother, Can You Spare An EMF Meter?

I have to wonder: with the economic crisis the country currently faces, and the certainty that cuts will begin with pastimes and hobbies, will those in the paranormal community be hit hard and soon? Maybe some have already felt the sting.

Let's face it, no one needs to study ghosts and all those gadgets and gas cost money - to say nothing about all those batteries that keep draining. And while at one time you might have considered plopping down a brick of cash for one of these outrageously expensive Bigfoot "expeditions," you may be finding yourself now debating even the importance of cell phones and cable TV.

Dyed-in-wool investigators and enthusiasts will trudge on, as they always have, but the only somewhat interested will most likely scale back. This spells bad news for those in these communities who rely on the sales of merchandise, videos, and books to fund their research. Surely, this group comprises the bulk of paranormal consumers.

In the next couple of years, I imagine we will lose untold numbers of people interested in pursuing paranormal puzzles. The hobby will get too expensive, and perhaps they had to take a second job to pay for Billy's braces. For whatever reasons, their interest will wane and we will see many groups and businesses fold like origami to litter the deserted streets of Paranormal City.

In some ways this will be a good thing. For years now, many of us have secretly (and not so secretly) wished we could thin the ranks. However, like the cruel irony of the Monkey's Paw, we may find our wishes granted in the worst possible ways. So, when you wonder why your EMFantastic Meter 5000 is not selling, console yourself by knowing you are not alone. After all, on the financial food chain, we can be certain of one thing: that Field Guide to North American UFO's is surely food for the cable bill.


judygraham said...

Ha, ha. Good caption for your cartoon. I think the slowdown is going to hurt everyone, but those who thought they'd make it rich inventing and selling fancy doodads for paranormal hobbyists . . . well, I just hope none of them quit their day jobs!

Ken Summers said...

An interesting thought, however, is that in poor, uncertain economic times, studies have shown that people are attracted to the paranormal more (well, ok, mainly psychics and the like). People will never stop wanting entertainment. Sales of books and DVDs may dwindle, but won't extinguish entirely.

As for ghost hunters with their billions of untested gadgets, that market might see a major dent. And I'm sure some less-scrupulous investigators will begin charging for every investigation. Or maybe we can learn to bundle up sticks with duct tape and create new, inexpensive gadgets... they'll be just about as useful as half the crud out there!