Sunday, April 6, 2008

Have The Ghosts All Checked Out?

Some time has now passed since the grand old Skirvin hotel reopened and I'm wondering... What has happened to its ghosts - if there were any to begin with? With a massive rennovation into a 5 star Hilton hotel, has the Skirvin lost its paranormal appeal? It's tantamount to turning the light on a darkened room; suddenly, all the monsters are revealed as piles of dirty laundry. I would love to hear about anyone (guests, friends of guests, employees...) who has encountered something unexplained since this prairie palace reopened its doors...


OPD-1 said...

Maybe they have left out the "Do Not Disturb" sign until they get the feel for the new place and its occupants?

Cullan Hudson said...

That is a possibility perhaps with an influx of new psychic energy, the places is somewhat overwhelmed. Maybe it is like when your eyes have adjusted to the dark and suddenly someone turns on the light; it overloads your senses.